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Victoria Worral

Spiritual Mentor & Guide

The will to change something in your life, happens within you. When you are ready, I will be here to guide you!










About Me

Passionate Spiritual Mentor & Guide



My life is my education. Trusting my intuition has led me to some amazing places in life. It has factored into my being, both human and spirit. 


Starting out as a young adult, my path has led me to live in many locations, each with their own challenges and rewards. The list is an original blend of experiences: England, Norway, several states in the USA to include: Alaska, Oregon, Michigan, and the territory of Puerto Rico. My departure from Puerto Rico was via Sailboat with my family, where we crossed the Atlantic to settle for a while in the Portuguese islands of the Azores. From there we sailed the boat to Spain and decided to move to Denmark where I was originally born and raised. 


I offer classes in both English and Danish.


I met my mentor in 2018. She came into my life when I was ready for a paradigm shift in my spiritual journey. She provided a perspective with clarity, allowing for new directions to explore and perceive. The practice involved a type of meditation new to me. With this new tool my life has changed. 

Guidance: Your Growth In Life

Gently I lift, support and enlighten your path!






Relationship Coaching Session

Guidance & Inspiration


Personal Mentoring Session

Get the Most out of Life






“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”



Professional Approach

Divine Quality


Living is about learning, and I have found the best way to learn is through our mistakes. My childhood came with many challenges. It was then, I started to see my struggles as beautiful lessons to learn from. It was from that frame of mind, I continued to view the world through a positive lens. I remained independent from traditional figures and institutions that could distract and lead me away from my intuitive and spiritual journey. 


My approach to our sessions will respect that you come with your own experiences in life, along with your own way of interpreting them. My guidance will be factoring in the human element and will respect the individual. I will introduce and expand upon the meditation practice, referencing the Five Layers of the Heart. I will teach perceiving and discerning the difference in your spiritual and emotional heart.  With these practices, my goal is to start you in a direction that instinctively feels in line with your spirit.

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